Rescind Stage 1 Drought Conditions

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority withdrew implementation of Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan due to reduced water demand. In response, Harris County Utility District No. 6 (the “District”) has terminated implementation of Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan requesting all users to voluntarily reduce water usage. You may return to normal water usage. A copy of the District’s Drought Contingency Plan is included on the District’s website.

Upcoming Changes to Harris County UD 6 Water & Sewer Rates and Understanding the WHCRWA Fee

Harris County UD 6 will be increasing the billing rates for Water & Sewer rates. This will go into effect on the April 2024 water bill.

What is the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA) fee on my bill?

The State of Texas created the Harris Galveston Subsidence District (the “HGSD”) to provide for the regulation of groundwater withdrawal throughout Harris and Galveston counties for the purpose of preventing land subsidence, which leads to increased flooding. The HGSD requires water well owners to reduce the amount of water they pump out of the ground by certain percentages over time, because groundwater use is the primary cause of land subsidence.

The WHCRWA was created by the State of Texas as a regional approach to comply with the HGSD’s requirements for reducing groundwater use and provide for a long-term, adequate amount of alternative water supply, such as surface water from lakes and reservoirs. The HGSD requires the WHCRWA to convert 30% of the water usage within its boundaries to an alternative water supply by 2010, 60% by 2025, and 80% by 2035. If the WHCRWA fails to meet the requirements, water users within its boundaries will be charged a disincentive fee by the HGSD. That disincentive fee is currently $6.50 per 1,000 gallons and is periodically adjusted upwards as well.

The WHCRWA entered into a contract with the City of Houston (the “City”) to obtain a long-term source of treated surface water and is required to pay the City for its share of the transmission, operating, and maintenance costs related to the facilities that provide the water. The WHCRWA charges fees to water well owners within its boundaries to provide the funding needed to pay the contract costs and the costs for designing and constructing a network of transmission lines and storage, pumping, and other facilities required to deliver surface water purchased from the City to water well owners within the WHCRWA. The WHCRWA does not have the ability to tax residents, and all costs are paid from the fees charged to water well owners.

Harris County Utility District No. 6 (“HC UD 6”) is a water well owner located within the WHCRWA. HC UD 6 receives surface water supply from the WHCRWA through water lines and facilities that were built by the WHCRWA to deliver water purchased from the City to HC UD 6. In turn, HC UD 6 supplies its customers with the surface water received from the WHCRWA. The WHCRWA charges HC UD 6 a fee based on the number of gallons of water used. HC UD 6 charges its customers the WHCRWA fee based on the number of gallons of water used without any mark-up, and the fee is identified on HC UD 6’s bills as “WHCRWA.” The current WHCRWA fee is $2.85 per 1,000 gallons. For more information regarding the WHCRWA, please visit

Following is information regarding the charges and fees included on HC UD 6’s utility bills per HC UD 6’s Amended Rate Order. A copy of the Amended Rate Order is included on HC UD 6’s website:

HC UD 6’s current water rates for Single-Family Residential Users:

 Amount of Payment  Water Usage
 $12.00 (minimum monthly charge)  First 5,000 gallons
 $1.50 per 1,000 gallons 5,001 to 10,000 gallons
$2.00 per 1,000 gallons All over 10,000 gallons
 $10.00 Conservation Charge  All over 15,000 gallons

Following is an example of how to calculate a utility bill based on current HC UD 6 water rates for a customer who used 30,000 gallons of water:

Water:  0 – 5,000 gallons $  12.00
5,000 gallons X 1.50/1,000 gallons $  7.50
20,000 gallons X $2.00/1,000 gallons $  40.00
Conservation Charge for more than 15,000 gallons $  10.00

Water Total $  69.50
WHCRWA Fee:   30,000 gallons X $4.79/1,000 gallons $ 143.70
Sewer Charge (Flat Fee) $  15.00
Voluntary Fee for security services $    2.00

Grand Total   $230.20

How do I calculate my utility bill?

Following is an example of how to calculate a utility bill based on current HCUD No. 6 water rates for a customer who used 30,000 gallons of water:

 Water: 0 – 5,000 gallons  $ 12.00
5,000 gallons X 1.50/1,000 gallons $  7.50
20,000 gallons X $2.00/1,000 gallons  $ 40.00
Conservation Charge for more than 15,000 gallons  $ 10.00

 Water Total  $ 69.50
 WHCRWA Fee: 30,000 gallons X $4.79/1,000 gallons
(+10% to cover the costs of treatment and water loss)
 $ 143.70
 Sewer Charge (Flat Fee)  $ 15.00
 Voluntary Fee for security services  $ 2.00

 Grand Total  $230.20


Notice Rescinding Stage 1 Drought Conditions

The West Harris County Regional Water Authority withdrew implementation of Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan due to reduced water demand.  In response, Harris County Utility District No. 6 (the “District”) has terminated implementation of Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan requesting all users to voluntarily reduce water usage.  You may return to normal water usage.  A copy of the District’s Drought Contingency Plan is included on the District’s website at:

The Board of Directors of the District appreciates your cooperation and perseverance during this period and would appreciate your continued attention to water use.  Continued water conservation practices will help ensure water availability in the future.  Thank you for your efforts.

Please visit for 20 Tips on Conserving Water and Energy.

Urgent Alert: Stage I Drought Declared in Harris County UD No. 6

ATTENTION: A Stage I Drought has been initiated in Harris County UD No. 6.

Please be advised that the Water Authority has implemented Stage 1 (voluntary reductions) of its Drought Contingency Plan due to the impact of Hurricane Beryl disruption causing power outages and disruption to the Authority’s water supply. 

Stage 1 (Voluntary), all users are asked to voluntarily reduce their water consumption in the following manner:

  • Even-numbered addresses (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8) Sundays and Thursdays
  •  Odd-numbered addresses (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) Saturdays and Wednesdays
  • Irrigating landscapes between midnight and 10:00 am & 8:00 pm and midnight

All users are requested to practice water conservation and to minimize or discontinue water use for non-essential purposes.

Below are additional suggestions on how to conserve water. If you see a water leak, please reach out to Inframark immediately at their 24/7 Emergency Number (281)398-8211 so that the matter can be investigated and resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your participation in our community’s conservation efforts.

New Payment Address

If payments are made via your bank online bill pay, please update your online bill pay address and verify your account number to avoid any payment processing delays.

New PO Box Update

Harris County UD#6
P O Box 4728 Dept 60006
Houston, TX 77210-4728

It is also important to keep updated information on file. We ask that you please take the time to update your information. Including your email address by contacting our customer service department at


No Boil Water Notice for HCUD 6

There is no boil water notice in effect for HCUD #6 residents or businesses. The City of Houston has issued a Boil Water Notice for their water system and other systems effected by the City’s issue. While local media (and social media) are reporting boil water notices for the City and those other Water Districts in our area, these notices do not pertain to HCUD #6 receivers, as the District maintains independent water production facilities. Again, HCUD #6 is not currently under a Boil Water Notice.

In the event a Boil Water Notice needs to be issued for our community, notification will be provided. For immediate and up-to-date 24/7 information, you can always reach out to Inframark’ s 24-hour Customer Service line at (281)579-4500.